
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hiccups... Cure or fluke ?

I beleive all the human beings wouldve got hiccups atleast once in their lifetime.
There are various ways you could stop it, but how many of it works immediately.. like a pill ?

Here are something I tried..
1) Eat Sugar.. (Although, It didnt work. I enjoyed it)
2) Drink lot of water (didnt work)
3) Do sphincter exercises, while holding your breath.
To be elaborate. Imagine you are in the restroom for No. 2. Now.. you are there.. In the appropriate place, about to go. Now.. Stop it. Hold it. Pull your Anus muscles inward,
While doing that.. Hold your breath too.
I know, reading this makes you feel.. I can live with hiccups for a while)
But I was at work and about to go to a meeting. I dont want to be making sounds, while others are talking seriously. So, I tried this. It did work and with in a minute it came back. Although, my colleague who was sharing my room stormed out. When I came back from the meeting, he wasnt there. He left for the day, I guess. Im not sure, it was because of me. And I didnt ask either.
4) Laugh out loud. Its difficult to do on your own. Call somebody, who can make you laugh. Its difficult because, even though the person you call could make you laugh.. but at that time of your hiccup.. he maynot be in a position to make you laugh. But, luckily for me. He was available and it worked. Im not sure.. its because of the amount of water I took or the sphincter exercises.
5) If somebody frightens you.. it would work. But, its difficult to ask somebody to frighten you and knowing that, they are going to scare you.. you wont be scared. I didnt try that.
I guess, my colleague would never get Hiccups, if he remembers my face doing the sphincter exercises.

well, by fluke, I found a solution, which did work. I tried couple of times and my wife tried too. It worked immediately. Do "Prasarita padottanasana" (Wide legged standing forward bend)
I must warn you, its a little bit difficult pose.
Im not sure, whether the mere thought of staying in the pose, for a certain amount of time, made the hiccup go away or not. But, it worked. So people, do "Prasarita Padottanasana" to stop hiccups immediately. Click below link on more info on this pose.

Let me know, what worked for you, when you got hiccups.


At 2:55 PM, Blogger Survivor said...

This is one of the best blogs that I have seen. I have got hicccups quite often but never tried your methods. Will definitely give it a try next time especially the sphinchter exercise.A good one :-)

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Archana Bahuguna said...

I get hiccups very often right from childhood. I generally take a glass of water making sure I take 21 sips. Some crap I know, but it works for me 99% of the times. For other times, I drink more water.


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